These multiracial microaggressions drew on monoracist ideologies and the monoracial paradigm of race, which exclude Black-Asian people and aid the maintenance of white supremacy in the United States. Our analysis also found an emerging microaggression category entitled (7) white-mixed superiority. Our findings demonstrate that Black-Asian subreddit communities identified all of the existing multiracial microaggression categories: (1) exclusion or isolation (2) exotification and objectification (3) assumption of monoracial or mistaken identity (4) denial of multiraciality (5) pathologizing of identity and experiences and (6) microaggressions based on racial stereotypes.
In our research, we employ a content analysis using Black-Asian microaggression narratives to test the existing multiracial microaggression taxonomy. Our research is guided by multiracial critical theory (MultiCrit) which highlights monoracism as a ubiquitous element of the monoracial paradigm of race. As we are investigating an under-explored population, we utilize a purposive sampling method to narrow forum engagement by Black-Asian users on the popular social media network, Reddit.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the identity narratives of online Black-Asian communities concerning their multiracial microaggression experiences.